What is the advantage to singing in a choir? Besides teaching correct vocal and choral principles, being part of a choral group teaches important life skills. By emphasizing punctuality, responsibility to something bigger than self, discipline, and listening skills the director is able to convey to the children that they are part of something extremely significant and bigger than themselves. By blending their voices together these young singers learn to create “one” voice as they “herald” very important messages!
Who can join? The choir is open to children (5-18 years old) who love to sing and want to develop their singing talent. There is no audition required.
What will my child learn that I can’t teach my child? For those that have never sung in a choir, it is an introduction to vocal and choral training. For singers with experience, it is an opportunity to increase vocal and choral skills with more difficult repertoire.
What is the most important teaching philosophy of the Director? Children learn best to contribute in a setting where the best is expected and they are having FUN doing it.
What are the main purposes of the choir? The main purposes are two fold: To have FUN in a choral setting while providing professional musical training and giving children singing experiences that will lead them to rejoice in the beauty and goodness of God and His creations.
What kind of music is performed? Great traditional and classical music of the world, as well as holiday tunes and musical theater selections.
When and how often does the choir rehearse? Rehearsals are on Friday mornings in SLC. Normally, the choir meets an average of 3 times during the month.
What kind of performance opportunities are available? The classical Singers have been invited to perform annually in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square for more than 10 years. The Choir has also participated in performances at the Festival of Trees. We have also performed at other community events throughout Davis County, Salt Lake and Utah Valley, as well as for local Senior Centers. Every year brings different opportunities.